Maintaining the quality of your equipment is essential for your business. Synthetic lubricants can help extend equipment life, create less waste and increases energy savings, all the while helping to increase worker safety by reducing potentially hazardous maintenance.
Mobil SHC™ synthetic lubricants help boost productivity and better protect your equipment - particularly when they are operating under severe conditions such as loads and pressures, frequent starts and stops, wide operating temperature ranges, and contamination. Other advantages of Mobil SHC™ synthetic lubricants include; high-temperature capability, excellent resistance to oxidation, low-temperature flow properties, protection against wear.
Explore Mobil SHC™ synthetic lubricants
Explore below for specific product details and recommendation for your synthetic lubrication needs.
Mobil SHC™ 600 Series
Synthetic gear and bearing lubricant. Designed for use in hot and cold conditions. High shear stability. Energy saving potential.
Mobil SHC™ XMP 320
Advanced wind turbine gear oil formulated to provide excellent wear protection and deposit control for long gear and bearing life.
Mobil SHC™ Gear Series
Supreme gear oils designed to provide optimum equipment protection and oil life even under extreme conditions. Energy saving potential.
Mobil SHC™ PM series
Synthetic circulation oil providing excellent protection against rust, corrosion and wear, enhanced thermal and oxidation stability.
Mobil SHC™ 500 Series
Synthetic antiwear hydraulic oil. High VI for excellent low and high temperature performance. High protection for vane and piston pumps.
Mobil Gargoyle Artic SHC™ 200 series
PAO based lubricants for ammonia & carbon dioxide compressors providing excellent protection in low temperature applications.
Mobil Rarus SHC™ 1020 Series
Offering anti-wear and corrosion protection: synthetic superior air compressor lubricant with exceptional water separating characteristics.

Add up your savings
Use our calculator tools to estimate your operation’s potential savings for upgrading your conventional lubricant to Mobil SHC™ oil or grease. Then contact an ExxonMobil engineer or authorized dealer to further refine your estimate.
Use calculatorProven performance. Proven savings.
Between 2009 and 2016, Mobil SHC™ synthetic lubricants delivered more than $62,000,000 in documented customer savings.
Upgrading to Mobil SHC™ synthetic lubricants has never been easier. Get in touch for information on incentives to upgrade your machinery’s performance and energize your business.

Looking for additional applications?
Whatever your application, we have the products that you can rely on to help increase up-time and efficiency* across all your industrial equipment. Explore the solutions that help you perform.
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